Shrink Appointment Update

Well, I saw my psychiatrist today.  She increased my Abilify to 10mg – 5mg twice a day.  I hope it gives me more energy.  I need it so badly!  I’ll be on 10mg of Abilify and 30 mg of Cymbalta.

My mother-in-law came to the appointment with me.  It went really well.  I guess time will tell if the increase in my dosage of Abilify works or not.

It’s supposed to snowstorm tonight.  It’s already wet flurries outside.  I feel like hibernating!  Wake my up when Spring gets here!  😉

I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.  I have to take our daughter to the doctor.  Then the CAS worker is coming. Yay!

I’ll update you on some information I found out later.

Have a good day/night depending on where you are.

– Joyce.

5 thoughts on “Shrink Appointment Update

  1. I take 30 mg of abilify and 60 of cymbalta a day and I have pretty much recovered and am not suffering from debilitating depression and anxiety for the first time in 55 years. It’s a miracle to me but DBT and the right medicine finally has me living a life worth living..good luck and keep us posted


    • I also just got off of 30 years of daily xanax usage and am now just crocheting and using distress tolerance, mindfulness and radical acceptance to handle anxiety…there is always hope and you are not alone


  2. Have you noticed any changes in depression and anxiety since you started the abilify? Or overall mood? I suspect the higher dosage will be noticed and this should make you feel more energized. I hope the storm misses you. 🙂

    Oh and yay for the Christmas theme!

    Tomorrow you may be able to sing… it’s beginning to look alot like Christmas.


    • I haven’t really noticed any mood changes. I’m glad you like the Christmas theme! I’ll see if it looks like Christmas tomorrow. Hopefully we won’t get too bad of a storm.

